07342 883538
Self-catered: £60 per person per weekend.
Catered: £70 per person per weekend (primary school age). £80 per person per weekend (secondary school age and above)
All pre-schoolers go free (catered and self-catered groups).
Depending on your group size, some free places may be available.
To book, either telephone the Centre, or submit a booking enquiry via the e-mail address below. Once a provisional booking has been made for your group, we will hold it for one week. A booking form will be completed by you to include dates and provisional numbers. We will also attach an invoice for your deposit. When we receive your deposit and completed booking form, your booking will be confirmed. If the numbers in your group then increase, we will do our very best to accommodate them. However, if numbers decrease, you (as agent for the group) will be liable for an appropriate cancellation fee.
To make a booking please contact us on 07342 883538 or e-mail booking@kilbroneycentre.info
Our Centre aims to impose a minimum of rules. However, the rules we do have are there for the safety and comfort of all guests and staff, and we would ask that you and your group members abide by them. Please note that the Kilbroney Centre operates a no smoking and no alcohol policy. Full details of house rules will be given on arrival at the Centre. Group leaders must take responsibility for the discipline of their group.
The Kilbroney Centre, 1 Forestbrook Road,
Rostrevor, Co Down BT34 3BT
Telephone: 07342 883538 or e-mail booking@kilbroneycentre.info
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Website designed by Phill Zillwood Design Works